Legal notice

My Pellets Handels GmbH
A-8552 Hörmsdorf 190

T: +43 3466 42704

Number according to the Austrian Data Protection Act:: FN 390472z
Court of jurisdiction: ZRS Graz

Commercial registry file number: ATU67640635

Managing director: Matthias Kroell

Corporate purpose: Distribution of wooden pellets

Concept, Design & Development: Madison Werbeagentur,

The content, structure and layout of this website are protected by copyright. This does not impinge, however, on copyright related to images, texts and other protected works, brands and trademarks. Reproduction (including the making of paper copies) and use of the website or parts thereof is permitted for information purposes only. All other uses of content provided on this website other than for the purpose specified above is not permitted unless the expression permission of the particular copyright owner has been previously obtained in writing.

Despite careful checks on our part, we accept no liability for the content of external sites. The operators of external sites are exclusively responsible for the content of the linked sites. This website has been created with the greatest possible care. It is constantly updated. Even so, we accept no liability for ensuring that the content it contains is accurate, complete and/or up to date.

By subscribing to a newsletter on this website you agree that we shall store certain data you disclose to us. We use such data to offer you a service. Naturally, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Simply send an e-mail to stating that you no longer wish to receive any further newsletters. We shall not forward your personal details to external third parties. We shall only pass on your personal details to authorised, in-house third parties for the purposes of carrying out advertising and service work. Said internal third parties are not permitted to use or pass on your personal details for their own use.